July 08, 2024
Following your Passion: good or bad idea?
I hear a lot of excuses, fears and justifications to get off your ass and actually take the Big Leap.

Here are the top 12 disadvantages I got about Following Dreams instead of Money:
You will earn less money and may lead to old-age poverty
Sounds romantic, but it’s childish and unrealistic
It sounds too easy, which is sketchy. Nothing worth fighting for is ever easy
You may not be able to afford proper health insurance
It’s overrated. Your interests tend to change over time
You may lose some friends by following your passion
Following your dreams can be mentally hard
Quitting your current job isn’t all fun at all—and it can bring a lot of career backtracking
Risky in case you have a family
Dreams are just dreams
You may end working a lot more hours than in a regular stable job
It takes too much patience and tolerance to uncertainty to follow one’s dreams
Some of them I find understandable, others are just plain ridiculous.
Here is the thing. If you are at a crossroad where you want to decide either to go for a or , it’s because it’s high time to change something in your life. Is it your perspective? Is it ?
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Look at the crossroad ahead of you. It’s there to show you how badly you want something. Stick or move.
Here is something to help you make that decision.
Following passion for some people implies a complete 360° turnaround and life shift. For others, is a minor change, even a simple shift in priorities and making space for new things.

Following passion is not following blind-folded what makes your heart ache. It’s identifying what makes you feel alive and finding ways to make it a profitable activity. It’s about combining what you love + what you’re good at + what the world needs.

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